I love a cup of coffee in the morning. If I was working from home I'd have one at my desk, and if I'd gone into the office again, I'd grab one to have at my desk. Then I would get caught up in e-mails, phone calls, customer issues, staff queries etc and I'd have a half a cup of cold coffee sitting there and not really remember drinking any of it.
We bought a coffee machine at home - one of those trendy expensive ones where you add a new 'pod' for each cup. It was rubbish. A number of problems with it
1. very expensive to buy
2. didn't get water hot enough
3. coffee tasted awful
4. you could only make one cup at a time (pain if you have 4-6 people round for coffee)
5. 'pods' were expensive
So we got rid of it and bought a relatively cheap coffee filter machine. Fantastic. Great coffee everytime from 1 cup to 10+.
Now I am at home with Belle I make a point of sitting down and having a cup of coffee (a big cup and saucer) without (too many!) interruptions. Bliss.