Saturday 31 May 2008

Yummy snacks

Belle has been getting on really well with eating solids - providing they are not at all lumpy. Try feeding her anything less than totally smooth and she keeps her mouth open whilst pulling a funny face as if she's just been poisoned until the offending lump is removed! I decided to give her a go on some finger food though and gave her a crunchy carrot stick. A bit puzzled at first but then she decided that she really liked it and actually bit bits off and ate them!! I think these were the favourite snack of cousin Boncie when he was over in the UK so it's nice that they both like these.


Lizyloo said...

Right you are, cousin Boncie LOVES those. I was lucky to find a shop here that imports them, however they have not had any in for a long time!

Poodle said...

I think it was the SHOP who was lucky you found them as they cost about $8 a packet!!! ...and they haven't had any in for a while as the owner is still in Barbados on his new luxury yacht!!! ;o)