Saturday 19 April 2008

re-discovering old projects

I absolutely love starting something new - be it a new project or a brand new craft all together. There's an excitement when you start planning, buying or gathering your materials and then starting off. I am not however all that great at finishing projects. It's not that I get bored, it's just that a newer project comes along! So unless I have a specific use, purpose or deadline I do tend to drift a bit and old projects build up and get put away. So, every so often I have a good root through my project cupboard and I re-discover something that I started (often years ago) - it's a bit like finding clothes at the bottom of your ironing pile that you had forgotten that you had - and all those 'new peoject' feelings kick off again!

This was the case a couple of weeks ago when I discovered a cushion cover tapestry in the cupboard. I can't recall exactly when I started this but I planned it for our old cottage and we moved from there nearly 6 years ago! Anyway, I have got all enthused about it again and have been making good progress. Who knows, I may even finish it this time providing I keep focussed and don't start browsing through knitting patterns or patchwork books.....

1 comment:

Lizyloo said...

He he he he - this post sounds very familiar indeed Spangles. I think it's very hard to stay focused on the one project especially when you find something else to get started with! Love the cover in this post. xx