Friday 25 April 2008

my creative sister in law

This is a picture of the lovely flags or bunting that my s-i-l Lizyloo made for Belle. Here they are up in Belle's room making a lovely splash of colour. Also in the photo are the pictures that BB made for the room. He took photos of parts of the curtains (which I made, pictured below right) and then mixed the colours to create some co-ordinating artwork.


Lizyloo said...

Oh wow, the flags look so lovely up on the wall in Belle's room, glad they blend in with the colour theme. LOVE those curtins you made, you are very clever and BB is so clever also. Love Belle's cot, beautiful grain of wood.

Lizyloo said...

Also meant to say I am getting the attached mags - check out this URL great little creative, and eco friendly bits and pieces. Will check out what the first two editions are like, if they are any good will send across for you to take a look at. What I love about the idea of the mag. is it has lots of little quick and easy project/creative ideas - which initially drew me to the mag - us being a busy Mums and not always having time for long project, ....will review and let you know what it's like.