Saturday 10 January 2009

Little Miss Mop

It has been an age since I have written... Christmas was great and it was nice for the first time in years to have time off from work. I also had my eyes lasered so can now see clearly without the need for contacts or specs which is great!

Despite receiving loads and loads of lovely presents, we couldn't resist going out after Xmas and getting this for Belle.

Belle has been very interested in cleaning. She likes wiping things and has also recently been using our dustpan and brush and she points a lot at the vacuum. So we got her this dinky little cleaning set and she also now has a vacuum cleaner at Nan and Grandad's. She's happily occupied for ages sweeping up around the place. No idea where these genes have come from but I am nuturing them and hope that she can help out for real in a few years time!!

1 comment:

Poodle said...

I'm still waiting for the day when Boncie suddenly stops sweeping and says "hang on, this isn't playing... it's working!!!" and then throws down the broom and never plays 'tidy ups' again ;o)