Thursday 15 May 2008

Play blocks

I went into a baby shop yesterday and saw some lovely material play cubes or blocks, but although they looked gorgeous they were quite expensive - so I decided to make some myself for Belle. These are the finished results. They are stuffed with Kapok (is the spelt right?) so are nice and squishy - unfortunately it's difficult to get them flat so they are sort of rounded cubes! So far we have been playing 'knock down the tower' about a million times - do kids EVER get bored of this?????

1 comment:

Lizyloo said...

How beautiful. Love the fabric you have used for the middle block in your pic on your blog. How much were the shop ones you modeled these on? I did the same with Em's Babushka doll, they were soooooo expensive from the craft fair I went to - it's so much more rewarding making your own and cheaper!! I am knitting at the mo. started yesterday and it's sooooo great to be back clicking the needles. Am making Boncie some Bananas in PJ's slippers, will post on blog soon once done.