Friday 25 April 2008

my creative sister in law

This is a picture of the lovely flags or bunting that my s-i-l Lizyloo made for Belle. Here they are up in Belle's room making a lovely splash of colour. Also in the photo are the pictures that BB made for the room. He took photos of parts of the curtains (which I made, pictured below right) and then mixed the colours to create some co-ordinating artwork.

Little Miss Button Abroad

This is Miss Lizyloo Button, made by my wonderful sister in law in Australia for Belle. The pattern for Miss Button can be ordered from the 'Sew Your Own' site (url on the right) and on the site you can also see an album of other people's Little Miss Buttons. I have ordered my kit and can't wait for it to arrive so I can make a friend for Lizyloo Button (seen relaxing by the pool, left and eating cake by my fantastic Kenwood chef, below). You can either just buy the pattern, or a kit with materials. I have opted for the kit but will then probably make some more Miss Button's with my own fabrics for my friend's two daughters.

Thursday 24 April 2008

No time for projects

What a busy week - and yet I appear to have achieved nothing! No time to do any projects this week and I do need to start something special for a friend who is expecting her first baby in June. Just been busy pottering around the house and trying to recover from some rather sleepless nights. BB has been getting the garden all ready for our vegetables; planting seeds in the greenhouse, digging in 'matter' to the vegetable plot and pricking out and potting on. I normally do the veg each year but Belle has been keeping me rather busy and I haven't had time so far. Having a bit of a pamper tomorrow and getting my hair done which I am looking forward to - has been crying out for attention for some weeks now - and whilst I am there I will book up for a massage which I was treated to for my birthday so something else to look forward to. Must plan next week better and get some projects kicked off as I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms!

Saturday 19 April 2008

re-discovering old projects

I absolutely love starting something new - be it a new project or a brand new craft all together. There's an excitement when you start planning, buying or gathering your materials and then starting off. I am not however all that great at finishing projects. It's not that I get bored, it's just that a newer project comes along! So unless I have a specific use, purpose or deadline I do tend to drift a bit and old projects build up and get put away. So, every so often I have a good root through my project cupboard and I re-discover something that I started (often years ago) - it's a bit like finding clothes at the bottom of your ironing pile that you had forgotten that you had - and all those 'new peoject' feelings kick off again!

This was the case a couple of weeks ago when I discovered a cushion cover tapestry in the cupboard. I can't recall exactly when I started this but I planned it for our old cottage and we moved from there nearly 6 years ago! Anyway, I have got all enthused about it again and have been making good progress. Who knows, I may even finish it this time providing I keep focussed and don't start browsing through knitting patterns or patchwork books.....

Friday 18 April 2008

Patchwork Cat

Saw this patchwork cat in the quilting book and thought immediately of Lizyloo who makes similar. I may attempt this one for Belle when I track down a good source of fabrics.

What to do today

Belle is off to her grandparents for part of the day so I have a few hours to myself. Crafts are calling to me but I MUST MUST MUST clean the house. Maybe I can clean quickly.....

I am knitting a cardigan for Belle at the moment but I fear that my slow progress means she will be too big for it soon!!!! I knitted her quite a few bits before she was born which she is getting good wear from

This is one of my favourites - a sort of knitted patchwork. Made with a lovely Jeager yarn and gorgeous litlle hedart buttons.

Off to do a bit of speed vacuuming then!....

Thursday 17 April 2008


I won this patchwork quilt in a raffle at my Nan's WI meeting / craft show when I was about 14 and I absolutely loved it. There is so much work that has gone into it. It's a single bed size. I was so worried about spoiling it that I packed it away and didn't use it for years. Then when I re-discovered it at the bottom of my blanket box I thought it was such a shame so I chose to use it and risk slight damage rather than keeping it packed away. It was on one of the spare room beds but now we use it on the floor for Belle to play on. I think she likes all the bright colours and it's softer than the coir carpeting. So this is sort of my inspiration to make one of my own. Have been going through a couple of books that I have and a magazine. One book is great 'Kids quilts in a weekend' - the title sounds a tad ambitious to me, presumably not someone who has kids!! But even so they don't look too complicated and lots of great unisex designs. Alternatively have seen this one in a mag. It's square so I'd need to adjust but I love the hearts!