Thursday 12 February 2009

New Year Resolution

yes, I know - it's a bit late, we're already over 1 month down and over 10% of this year has already gone but I really must get a New Year resolution together regarding my projects. I received two fantastic make-your-own-bag projects for my birthday and immediately started one but am also dipping in and out of the following; Knitted Shaun the Sheep for Belle, a bead and embroidered birth sampler for Belle, a cardigan for me (started as a maternity cardigan as is Empire line and as Belle is 15 months old now you can see how long that one has been hanging around!), a cross-stitch Miffy height chart for Belle, a cardigan for Belle, a jumper for BB (at least 4 years old and still only on the back), a cross-stich embroidered blanket (was for Belle but she's too old now!) and now I am thinking of doing an embroidery for my friend's daughter's christening at the end of March. I need to get more organised and stick to a schedule better otherwise I'm in danger of never finishing anything! and I still have a number of lovely projects just waiting to be started... So I resolve to set myself some deadlines and to stop flitting about... oh and I also resolve to catch up on the 3 overflowing baskets of ironing. Don't know what I'm typing this for - I need to get going!

1 comment:

Lizyloo said...

So glad to hear you love the bags, I thought you would.

The long list of must dos sounds very familar!!!!

Good luck at getting through them all.