Tuesday 24 March 2009

a christening gift

I have been very neglectful of adding news to the site - have had my head down and furiously stitching away for a deadline. It's little Issy's christening this coming weekend (friend from work and thus Issy is Belle's playmate) and I was not impressed with the selection of pressies I could see (silver rattles etc) so I decided to stitch a birth sampler. Had to get it completed and then framed ready for the day and thankfully I have managed it without too much of a last minute rush.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Mixing bowls

Received these gorgeous Mason & Cash mixing bowls from Belle for my birthday (I'm sure she chose them herself!). Can't wait to use them. Unfortunately have been feeling so rough this week that have not been up to any baking - instead have used one as an 'inhilation' device adding boiling water and olbas oil and sitting over it with a towel over my head!

Thursday 12 February 2009

New Year Resolution

yes, I know - it's a bit late, we're already over 1 month down and over 10% of this year has already gone but I really must get a New Year resolution together regarding my projects. I received two fantastic make-your-own-bag projects for my birthday and immediately started one but am also dipping in and out of the following; Knitted Shaun the Sheep for Belle, a bead and embroidered birth sampler for Belle, a cardigan for me (started as a maternity cardigan as is Empire line and as Belle is 15 months old now you can see how long that one has been hanging around!), a cross-stitch Miffy height chart for Belle, a cardigan for Belle, a jumper for BB (at least 4 years old and still only on the back), a cross-stich embroidered blanket (was for Belle but she's too old now!) and now I am thinking of doing an embroidery for my friend's daughter's christening at the end of March. I need to get more organised and stick to a schedule better otherwise I'm in danger of never finishing anything! and I still have a number of lovely projects just waiting to be started... So I resolve to set myself some deadlines and to stop flitting about... oh and I also resolve to catch up on the 3 overflowing baskets of ironing. Don't know what I'm typing this for - I need to get going!

Let it Snow...again

Parts of the UK typically ground to a halt as this unfamiliar white stuff covered the country... oh hang on, it's SNOW - the same stuff that came last year, and the year before, and the year before..... in fact every year

Anyway, despite our total lack of ability to deal with it, if you don't actually have to go somewhere its so pretty

Saturday 10 January 2009


Belle is a bit ickle - alothough she is 14months old she is still wearing 6-9month clothes in the main and is only just progressing into 9-12 months!!! ahhh!! We also bought Belle some lovely PJ's when we were out shopping. She has been wearing a pair that Auntie Lizyloo bought with a giraffe on (on the left) and she looks so 'grown up' that we thought we would progress to more PJ's rather than sleepsuits.

New Shoes

Nanny and I took Belle out shopping on Tuesday to get some New Shoes as her toes were at the end of her first pair. We got a nice navy pair of leather shoes with flowers on and kitties on the bottom! (not shown as Belle is out wearing them at the moment). In addition to her shoes we also bought; a pair of pink trainers, a pair of red Peppa Pig slippers and a pair of Upsy Daisy Wellington Boots. Nanny also bought a pair of pink sparkly wellies for her (not in pic) which Belle LOVES to wear and insisted on wearing in the house all day Wednesday! I also bought a gorgeous pair of red sparkly slippers / shoes with bows on which look like Dorothy's in the Wizard of Oz. They are a bit big at the moment but Belle will soon grown into them!

Let it Snow...

We awoke on Monday morning to lots of snow!! Doesn't matter how old I get it's still exciting!!! Unfortunately it pretty much melted the following day although remained cold and frosty all week. Belle walked in the snow for the first time.... but didn't seem to notice anything!!!!!! Certainly she didn't look confused or excited!

Little Miss Mop

It has been an age since I have written... Christmas was great and it was nice for the first time in years to have time off from work. I also had my eyes lasered so can now see clearly without the need for contacts or specs which is great!

Despite receiving loads and loads of lovely presents, we couldn't resist going out after Xmas and getting this for Belle.

Belle has been very interested in cleaning. She likes wiping things and has also recently been using our dustpan and brush and she points a lot at the vacuum. So we got her this dinky little cleaning set and she also now has a vacuum cleaner at Nan and Grandad's. She's happily occupied for ages sweeping up around the place. No idea where these genes have come from but I am nuturing them and hope that she can help out for real in a few years time!!